
K-culture 101: How to Make Traditional Korean Kimchi
[A Cultural and Culinary Experience]

Written by Paul Hoffmann

Students from an international school prepared kimchi, a traditional Korean dish made from fermented napa cabbage and radishes, seasoned with chili pepper, garlic, ginger, and scallions. Known for its spicy and tangy flavor, kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine, rich in probiotics and often served as a side dish or used in soups, stews, and fried rice. Its preparation varies by region and family, reflecting Korea’s cultural heritage.

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First, the students began harvesting the famous cabbage used to make kimchi. The aim is to pick those that are most suitable for making it. Thanks to this important step, they will be able to start preparing.

Actually there are 6 steps for making kimchi. The first one is to prepare the cabbage, for that you need to select a fresh Napa cabbage, cut it into bite-sized pieces, and submerge them in a brine solution made of 1/4 cup salt and 5 cups water. Soak for 2 hours, turning every 30 minutes to ensure even brining. The students had to be very attentive and precise in their gestures.

Step 2 will be to rinse the cabbage thoroughly under cold water several times to remove excess salt. Drain well and gently squeeze out remaining water. It requires concentration and patience.

Step 3 will be to Make the Seasoning Paste. For that we need to prepare a rice flour paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of glutinous rice flour with 1 cup of water and simmering until thickened. Once cooled, mix with 1 cup of gochugaru, 1/4 cup fish sauce, 3 tablespoons salted shrimp paste (optional), 5 minced garlic cloves, 1 minced inch of ginger, and 1 grated small onion. It’s important to get the proportions right, as this step will help give the kimchi its great taste.

Arriving at step 4, it’s the moment to add vegetable mix-ins: Enhance the paste with julienned Korean radish, chopped green onions, and julienned carrot. Mix well to coat the vegetables evenly.

In step 5 we will mix the drained cabbage with the seasoning paste and vegetable mix-ins. So students need to be very meticulous to ensure that every nook and cranny and piece of cabbage are covered with the preparation

And finally step 6 where we will pack the mixture into a clean, airtight container, pressing down to remove air pockets. Leave at room temperature for 1-2 days to ferment, then refrigerate to slow down fermentation. This stage requires a great deal of patience and then the kimchi will develop its flavor over time and can be enjoyed as a versatile, tangy side dish.

It was a very enriching experience for the students. In fact, they were able to learn a little about traditional Korean culture, particularly culinary, by preparing the famous kimchi, which is undeniably one of the best-known foods in the world when one thinks of Korea. What’s more, this team-building activity enabled them to strengthen their friendship and team spirit.

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